► GRAMICID ECOFRIENDLY is the Registered Trademark.► It is FDA APROVED AND GMP CERTIFIED.► Gramicid a complex formulation of processed silver, a noble metal and highly concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide.► It, as the name suggests, is an eco-friendly, broad-spectrum disinfectant and biocide that is effective on all types of pathogens.► Hydrogen Peroxide component ensures rapid germ killing effect and silver component ensures long-lasting effect.► Silver is well known for its oligo-dynamic action (cold sterilization). The effect of these two components are multiplied by a special manufacturing process of Gramicid gives a synergistic effect.► It’s main component Hydrogen Peroxide does not pollute the effluent, as only Oxygen and water are formed. H2O2 –> H2O+ O (nascent form) in other words no harmful by-products are produced when its decomposes.► The silver level is well below 180 micrograms / person / day permitted by W.H.O. Therefore it is safe for both human as well as animal life► It also works as an eco-friendly sanitizer and used for fumigation purpose of disinfection.SALIENT FEATURES Totally chlorine freeUniversally usedRapid sterilizationNo irritation to skin or eyesNo alteration to taste of food / substancesNon-pollutant and bio-degradableNon-carcinogenic and non-mutagenicGood stability in storageAccurate dosage and easy detectionLD50 value is greater than 2854 mg/kg of animal weightSALIENT FEATURES Remains effective even at high temperaturesExcellent Industrial BiocideNon stainingNon inflammableOdour freeNeutral pHLong lasting effectNo toxic effect reportedNo resistance developedGENERAL APPLICATION OF GRAMICID ECOFRIENDLY:
SURFACE DISINFECTION | Gramicid can be used for disinfecting the tanks, manufacturing equipments, pipelines and containers @ 0.5% to 1%, contact time 2 to 5 min. |
FLOOR and WALLS | Mopping of floors & walls @ 0.5% to 1% conc. Contact time 5 minutes. |
INDOOR AIR QUALITY(IAQ) | The dosage should be strictly 3% to 5%. One Littre solution(containing 1000ml DM / Distilled water & 30ml Gramicid) is adequate 1500 cu. Feet area by use of ultra Low Volume Sprayer (Please use 100% plastic / S.S. made fogger). |
FILTER STERLIZATION | Inclusive of R. O. Plants, D.M. Plants, Sand, & Cartridge @ 200ppm to 500ppm conc. Contact time 15-30 minutes. |
WATER DISINFECTION | Gramicid when added to raw water @ 20ppm to 10ppm makes water disinfected. The Gramicid treated water should then be passed through R.O. Plant or D. M. Plant. Contact time 15-30 minutes. |
GENERAL DISINFECTION | Gramicid can be used for hand, feet, and Gloves disinfection @ 0.1% Contact time 1-2 minutes.
Rubber & plastic sleeper 1% conc. Contact time 30 minutes. |
NOTE: Make solution of Gramicid in DM water only. Use rubber handgloves while handling the product |
Place of Origin | Not Given |
Minimum Order Quantity | Not Given |
Supply Ability | Not Given |
Packaging Details | Not Given |
Delivery Details | Not Given |
Not Given